Cloudy Sunday….

The clouds are playing with us.   It was pretty bright and sunny earlier today.   But now the clouds are moving in and teasing with the possibility of rain.   We need it…..oops…..I’ll jinx it if I say too much so I’ll stop here.  

I have a finished object!!   The Firefly Fringed Scarf that I showed a few weeks ago.   I finished knitting two weeks ago but did not have time to block until today. 

It was a bit tedious to block.   The 7 stitches that drop to form fringe were loops.   I threaded the blocking wire through the loops until taut and then pinned.   I was a bit surprised to find the scarf was nearly dry in spots as I was still looping the other side of fringe onto a blocking wire.   lol  Anyway, you can find this project on my Ravelry page.  I will warn you that this is a very poorly written pattern.   I wonder if the editors were running out of space and left some instruction out?   But overall, I love the end product and I will knit another one which should be much easier the second time around.  🙂   Oh, almost forgot, knitted out of Elsbeth Lavold Hempathy.   LOVE this yarn.  

I love to listen to books on CD.   I will get them most often from the library and then listen while in the car.   I picked up several books on CD last week.   The one I am listening to now is The Help by Kathryn Stockett.   I do not want to get out of the car.   This book is so very good.   If you only read physical books it is definitely a page turner.   It is set back in the early 60’s in Jackson, Mississippi.   Civil Rights is around the corner.   It’s about two maids who work for families in Jackson and one newly graduated 23 year old aspiring journalist who wants to write their stories.   I won’t say anymore than that.   But I would highly recommend this book.   I wonder if there is a movie in the works?  

Eleven years ago today this is who woke me up meowing her little head off until I went outside and found her:

It was on a Sunday and as you can see I picked her up and brought her inside.   Lexi and I have been a package deal ever since!  

Hope you are staying cool and doing lots of knitting!


  1. 1
    Michelle Says:

    Pretty scarf – love the color!

    I am reading The Help right now and really enjoying it. It’s hard to believe that this kind of behavior really happened. I guess these beliefs still exist, but at least in my corner of the world, things have changed for the better.

  2. 2
    Vanessa Says:

    Hey Kay! I LOVE the scarf. It is so classy!


  3. 3
    callie Says:

    That is a lovely scarf and a very pretty color. Finding your kitty is such a nice story. She is a very pretty kitty. Happy Anniversary!

  4. 4
    Andrea Says:

    Love the kitty story – cats definitely pick out their people. I don’t know where to look 4 you on ravelry… how are you listed there? thanks!

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