Archive for July 23rd, 2006

Sunday Sunday

July 23, 2006

These are some pictures of two pots of petunias I have out on the patio. As you can see the purple and whites are doing very well.

Even though I planted in self watering containers, I find I have to water every day. This heat has been so intense I think it evaporates or the plants are needing more water than usual.

I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago when this pot of petunias were doing well. I went out this morning and every bloom appears to be eaten back to the spines that hold the bloom at the base. It almost looks as if someone took a lighter and burned the flower except it’s not singed. This is the second time I’ve gone out and found this pot of petunias like that. Does anyone have a clue? Is it some kind of insect? But I can’t figure out why whatever does it to this pot and not the purple/whites. Weird!

I found this picture somewhere in my travels on the net. I thought it was sweet.

On the knitting front, I spent most of my Saturday at Gourmet Yarn. I sat on the comfy sofa and knitted while Margaret taught classes. I feel a tiny bit guilty as I heard some valuable tips in the seaming class. lol Hopefully, when I ever knit an item that has to be seamed I’ll remember what I heard. Anita came in and sat and knitted for awhile also. Of course we talked about the upcoming visit of Stephanie, The Yarn Harlot.

I knitted on the Nina Shawl while at Gourmet. I also fumbled around and figured out how to do a provisional cast-on. BUT, it’s very very messy looking. lol This is a new washcloth pattern and I thought I was doing pretty well when I realized I had 47 stitches and not 46. It was going to mess up the whole pattern so I frogged it. Isn’t that what I do best???? lol I’ve also started a baby blanket for charity knitting. I pick it up when I want something mindless and a different color to stare at for awhile.

If you haven’t been in Gourmet Yarn in awhile you need to stop by. Margaret has gotten some beautiful wood cabinets and the whole front of the store is completely different. It amazes me how the different display shelves show the yarn so well. Two of the cabinets make the novelty yarn just POP. I also found out yesterday that Margaret has carried some yarn that I’ve never noticed in her shop before, Rowan Summer Tweed. I knew she carried Rowan but I’d never noticed the Summer Tweed. Anyway, the shop is looking great. She still has the sofas and they are as comfy as ever.